IncrediMail Premium 2 6.0.3 Build 4456
IncrediMail is an advanced e-mail client that offers you an unprecedented interactive experience. With IncrediMail you can personalize your e-mail according to your mood and personality. Unique multimedia features will enable you to tailor your email experience so that it fits your mood and personality. Visual effects will entertain your every sense. Choose from an assortment of e-mail backgrounds, animations, sounds, 3D effects, emoticons, dancing letters, random notifier selection, improved style box navigation, enahnced editing capabilities and e-cards and make them all become part of your e-mail.
Variety of backgrounds, animations and sounds
Animated Emoticons to enliven your text
Vibrant Incoming Email Notifications
Cool 3D effects (sending, receiving and deleting your messages)
Personal signatures
Voice Message Recorder
Ever growing Online Gallery with a wide and constantly updated graphical content bank
And so much more
Additional features:
· Amazing animations
· Personal handwritten signatures
· Unique fonts
· Old typewriter typing sounds
· Multimedia Attachments Preview
· Capturing Animations from the Web
· Flash window indicating time and email status
· Easy placement of your pictures in email
· On the fly Spell Checker
· Simple exchange of graphical content between users
The IncrediMail Team is excited to introduce you to IncrediMail 2. Weve been working hard to make the IncrediMail you know and love even better. With new improvements like a new design, powerful email search, enhanced stability and major upgrades to performance and speed, IncrediMail 2 makes your email experience more productive even while youre having fun.
Better, Smarter, Easier
New & Improved Design. IncrediMail 2 introduces a better, more attractive and user-friendly design. We made the main application windows easier to use by enlarging the buttons, and reorganized the menus so that more relevant options are easily accessible. Mail folders can now be customized to your color of choice. The email list window and preview pane now feature a new design that makes browsing through your email easier and more productive. Plus, for your convenience, a direct button to the Gallery was added to the main taskbar.
FastSearch. IncrediMail 2 introduces FastSearch. Searching through your email is now faster and more powerful than ever before. Search results are shown as quickly as you type It takes less than a second for IncrediMail 2 to search through 10,000s of emails. Also, the terms you are searching for are conveniently highlighted. Advanced search has been upgraded with snappier performance, and is now a more powerful tool than before. FastSearch also includes Search Filters, a new tool allowing you to filter emails and attachments including Images, Videos, Word documents, Power Point documents, and many more file types.
Address Book and Contact Handling. The new Address Book is one of the most powerful features now available with IncrediMail 2. The IncrediMail 2 Address Book lets you create contact groups in new convenient ways, lets you see who your most popular contacts are, allows you to assign a picture for each of your contacts, and also allows you to assign a special picture to each group. The new Address Book is so smart, that it can even recommend contacts and groups according to your usage patterns Try it out and see for yourself!
Attachments. Tired of clicking on each email to find out what attachments it contains? A preview of the attachments may be seen by rolling over the attachment icons in the email list window. In addition, the email preview pane includes a designated area for attachment previews, providing a quick glance of the attachment file type you received, may it be a photo, video, Word document, or any other file. Plus, an attachment can be quickly saved to the desktop at a click of a button, directly from the attachment preview pane.
Fun 2.0
Personal Display Pictures. The new Display Picture feature lets you assign a personal picture to your email contacts. You can select from 100s of ready-made pictures or select any picture from your computer. You can also assign your own personal Display Picture to be displayed in your outgoing emails, making your sent messages personal and fun. Coming soon IncrediMail 2 will allow you to connect to your favorite social networks, and download pictures to be used as Display Pictures for your contacts and email messages.
Personal Contact Icon. Making your contacts stand out in your email lists is now possible by selecting a unique icon for your favorite contacts. You can select from a wide variety of icons such as pets, characters, emoticons, color icons, and even YouTube and Facebook logos. Assigning a contact icon will make that contacts emails easier to find, and your email experience more productive and fun.
Animations & Effects. Basic email functions such as deleting emails, adding a new contact, text editing and more, are now enhanced with animated effects that make everyday email functions fun and exciting. Animations are optional and can be turned off if you wish.
New Skins. IncrediMail 2 Skins have a slick fresh look. Just see for yourself.
Status Window Display Options. The Status Window can now be customized to your liking. Select from 4 different types of clocks: Digital 12-hour clock, Digital 24-hour clock, Analog clock, and Calendar clock. Many more clock types and new gadgets will become available in the upcoming months. For example: a Weather Forecast Status Window!
Blazing Fast & Stable
IncrediMail 2 is a Lot Faster! In IncrediMail 2, much emphasis was placed on speed and performance. The Development Team worked extra hard to enhance performance, speed up loading time, improve email handling, and make the entire email experience more practical and stable.
Better handling of folders with large amounts of emails. Those familiar with IncrediMail Xe may recall that it normally takes 2-3 seconds to load folders containing 1000s of emails. IncrediMail 2 puts an end to this delay, by introducing the fastest loading time possible. It now takes less than a second to load a folder filled with 20,000 emails!
Overall Faster Loading Time. IncrediMail 2 does not freeze, hiccup or stall just when you need to use it. Click the IncrediMail 2 icon in the system tray, and it will immediately open up and be ready to service you.
Faster Send/Receive Process. Weve reduced the time it takes to send and receive emails in IncrediMail 2 compared to IncrediMail Xe. IncrediMail 2 now downloads your emails faster than ever before!
Whats New in Version 6.03 build 4456 Released Tue Jan 05, 2010:
* Improvement to the send/receive process
* Option to remove IncrediMail from the Task bar Windows 7
* Adding Chrome as a supported browser
* New option to import Accounts, Messages and Contacts from Windows Live Mail
* Block External Images bug fix
* Other bug fixes
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