SoapUI Pro v3.5.1 (x32/x64) for Windows/Linux/MacOSX | 398 MB
A powerful tool for testing WEB applications.
The program allows you to quickly and reliably test your web applications and databases. One of the best and most well-known tool for testing Web services. SoapUI - a tool that allows you to test web services, call methods on interfaces, to analyze the responses and create packages of tests such as xUnit. And that could prove extremely useful - allows you to simulate a web-services. One of the main problems that arise during the integration of different systems among themselves is that at the time of development of these services either do not exist or is not readily accessible (or available with big problems). This may happen if, for example, the company develops application based on SOA, and each of the services created in parallel by different people. Wait until the man finishes his components before proceeding to its development - not the most efficient way. The simulator can always write by hand, whether ordinary perl script that listens on a port and sends back data, or a java web service server, emulating the same problem. Unfortunately, all these solutions quite demanding. Another approach - using ready-made tools to create quite a dynamic stub. One of these tools - soapUI.
soapUI is the leading tool for Web Service Testing. With more than 1 400 000 downloads, it's the most used tool for SOA testing in the world.
It is mainly aimed at developers and testers providing or consuming WSDL or REST based Web Services (Java,. Net, etc). Functional and Load Testing can be done both interactively in soapUI or within an automated build or integration process using the soapUI command line tools.
soapUI is also available as a commercial version, soapUI Pro, which adds extensive professional support and a number of productivity enhancements to the soapUI interface.
WSDL Service InspectionThe following features for inspecting WSDL SOAP based Web Services are available:
Imported WSDLs are shown as a hierarchy view of interfaces (PortTypes) and their operations
Support for both SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2
WSDL Viewer allows easy navigation of WSDL and included / imported WSDL's / XSD's
HTTP wire log shows actual requests sent and received
View SSL Certificate information viewer for secure responses
XML Schema Inspector (soapUI Pro only)
XML Table Inspector for easily viewing tabular data (soapUI Pro only)
Web Service Form Editor for easy understanding of message input (soapUI Pro only)
Web Service Overview View for easy understanding of message output (soapUI Pro only)
Integrated SOAP Monitor with SSL support for capturing and analyzing traffic and converting messages to TestCases and MockServices
Generate HTML Documentation for WSDLs
REST Service InspectionThe following features for inspecting REST based Web Services are available:
REST Services can be defined from a WADL or manually and are shown as a hierarchy view of resources and requests
WADL Viewer allows easy navigation of WADL and included / imported XSD's
WADLs are automatically generated for manually defined services
HTTP wire log shows actual requests sent and received
View SSL Certificate information viewer for secure responses
XML Schema Inspector (soapUI Pro only)
XML Table Inspector for easily viewing tabular data (soapUI Pro only)
JSON viewer pretty prints JSON responses
Web Service Form Editor for easy understanding of message input (soapUI Pro only)
Web Service Overview View for easy understanding of message output (soapUI Pro only)
Generate HTML Documentation for WADLs
WSDL Service InvocationThe following features for invoking WSDL based web services are currently available:
Automatic generation of Web Service requests from associated schema
Manage unlimited number of requests for each operation
Manage multiple service endpoints for each interface
Support for Basic, Digest, WS-Security and NTLM Web Service authentication
Automatically add WS-Addressing headers to outgoing requests
Extensive WS-Security tool support for encrypting / decrypting and signing / validating messages
Support for Attachments testing; MTOM, SOAP with Attachments, Inline files
Manage custom HTTP Headers for each request
Support for both SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2
Raw message viewer for viewing unprocessed message content as it is sent over the wire
Web Service Form Editor for easy editing of message input (soapUI Pro only)
Web Service Tree Editor for easy editing of message input (soapUI Pro only)
REST Service InvocationThe following features for invoking REST bases web services are currently available:
Automatic generation of REST Service request representations from associated schema
Manage unlimited number of requests for each operation
Support all WADL parameter types and representations
Manage multiple service endpoints for each service
Support for Basic, Digest, WS-Security and NTLM Web Service authentication
Support for simulating HTML Forms and MIME Attachments
Manage custom HTTP Headers for each request
Raw message viewer for viewing unprocessed message content as it is sent over the wire
Web Service Form Editor for easy editing of message input (soapUI Pro only)
Web Service Tree Editor for easy editing of message input (soapUI Pro only)
Web Service Development and ValidationThe following features are available for development of Web Services:
Generate Server and Client code for some of the most popular Web Service toolkits; JBossWS, JWSDP (JAX-WS/JAX-RPC), Axis 1, Axis 2, CXF, XFire, Oracle,. NET and GSoap
Generate client code for REST Services based on static or generated WADL
Generate XML-Binding classes for JAXB and XMLBeans
Command line support for all generation tools for easy integration in continuous integration / build environments
Validate Web Service Definitions and messages against the WS-I Basic Profile
Validate requests and response bodies against their schema definition
IDE-plugins are available for eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and NetBeans.
Web Service Functional TestingThe following features for functional testing of both WSDL and REST Web Services are currently available:
Create or Generate any number of TestSuites and TestCases
Assert messages for schema compliance, XPath or XQuery matching, etc ...
Easily Transfer content between responses and request
XPath based conditions to control TestCase execution paths
DataSource support for data driven Web Service testing (soapUI Pro only)
DataSink support for collecting data in a database (soapUI Pro only)
DataGen support for dynamically generating data (soapUI Pro only)
MockResponse support for client or asynchronous Web Service testing
Command Line or Maven support for continuous integration or testing
Extensive scripting and properties support for creating complex or dynamic Test Scenarios
Requirements management (soapUI Pro only)
WSDL Coverage support for analyzing how well your WSDL based Web Services are tested (soapUI Pro only)
Integrated Reporting for TestSuite and TestCase runs (soapUI Pro only)
Web Service Load TestingThe following features for load testing web services are currently available:
Create any number of Web Service LoadTests for a TestCase
Choose between configurable Web Service Load Strategies, Limits and Thread-counts and analyze how web services perform under a variety of scenarios
Assert LoadTest results continuously for performance and functionality surveillance
Web Service usage Behavioral Diagrams allow real time analysis of performance statistics
Export results, statistics, logs, diagram data, etc. for external processing
Run multiple LoadTests interactively in soapUI, through Maven or from a soapUI command line
Web Service SimulationThe following features for simulating / mocking web services are currently available:
Create any number of MockServices from WSDL in a project
Automatic generation of stub MockServices for a Web Service
Add Web Service MockOperations from any combination of Interfaces or Operations in a project
MockResponse Create Web Service messages with custom content, HTTP Headers and Attachments
Automatically add WS-Addressing headers to outgoing responses
Use Groovy Scripts to dispatch Web Service requests and create dynamic responses
Groovy Script Library for common or centralized functionality
Run MockServices interactively in soapUI or with maven or with the command-line soapUI MockServiceRunner
WSDL Coverage support for MockServices and their clients
Extensive WS-Security support for encrypting or decrypting and signing or validating messages
Support for SSL, WSDL publishing and serving of static content for mocking configuration files, etc.
Minor New Features:
Greatly improved performance of Excel DataSource / DataSinks
RunTestCase TestStep improvements:
Fixed TestStepResults for WSS processed requests to contain the unprocessed request in the requestContent property
Improved Delay TestStep execution timing
Improved thread-stability related to endpoints during loadtests
Improved statistics calculation during loadtests
Added? A option to TestCase runner; for exporting of all results using folders instead of long filenames
Improved Mock related API? S to allow rewriting of incoming requests
Added possibility to override Jetty Connector properties via soapui.mock.connector.XX system properties
Improved automatic adding of template parameters to rest resource
Added timeout property at request level
Improved XML generation from HTML
Allowed rename of REST services from properties panel
Added caching of WSDL Credentials
Renamed porttype property to? Name? in interface properties
Improved session handling for AMF Requests
Added Support for named parameters in SQL queries and Stored Procedure calls
Added JDBC Assertions
Added fetchSize property to JDBC TestStep
Added Support for JMS Session authentication
Improved JMS endpoint naming scheme
Added durableSubscriber and ClientID to JMS Request Inspector
Greatly improved performance of script library
Added global option to disable proxy
Added raw-message-size settings
Improved update-interface stability
Pressing return in httprequest endpoint field submits request
Copy LoadTest Properties
Copy HTTPSession
Ignore Empty
Improved performance of script-property-expansions
Memory improvements
Forced redirect functionality for PUT and POST requests
Added build checksum to nightly builds
Added soapui.scripting.library system property to override script library path from commandline
Major bugs fixed:
Fixed times precision in Junit reports to be up to 3 decimals
Fixed TestStepResults for WSS processed requests to contain the unprocessed request in the requestContent property
Fixed restore of ignoreNamespacePrefixes in XPath assertions
Fixed success indicator of MockResponse TestSteps
Fixed inlining of attachments if inline files is enabled
Fixed synchronization of Table Inspector and XML Editor Views
Fixed elapsed time to show correct value in LoadTest output
Fixed thread override and multiple formats in launch LoadTest Runner dialog
Fixed saving of loadtest limit type
Fixed script-strategy to use project scripting language
Ordered output of LoadTestStatistics export
FixedRateLoadStrategy now ignores the Thread Startup Delay option
Fixed LoadTest Reports for LoadTests with long names
Fixed TestSuite count in simple TestCaseRunner output
Fixed automatic GC to run for command-line tools also
Fixed command-line TestCase runners to not ignore Fail on Abort setting
MockService synchronization issues during high load
Fixed adding of method parameters from rest request, method and resource views
Fixed setting of media type for Form submits
Removed automatic XML formatting of rest request bodies
Fixed endpoint updating in service endpoints table
Removed unneccessary formatting of REST XML responses
Fixed SOAP Action in Content Type for WS-A and MTOM requests
Fixed setting of nilable on missing elements in form editor
Fixed TIBCO EMS support
Removed a bunch of memory leaks
Fixed escaping of property expansions with double $
Fixed save-all to keep track of project count
Fixed filename creation for Composite projects
Moved demo script files to correct folders
Fixed CSV Data Export with subreports (Reporting)
Fixed bugs related to REST parameter reordering and inheritance
Updated libraries:
Updated Groovy to 1.7.1
JasperReports to 3.7.1
Jetty 6.1.22
JXBrowser 1.4 update
JRE 1.6_18
Hermes to 1.14 update - Release Notes
IDW dependency to 1.6.1
Final Release
The following bugs where corrected for the final release:
Fixed times precision in Junit reports to be up to 3 decimals
Fixed TestStepResults for WSS processed requests to contain the unprocessed request in the requestContent property
Fixed restore of ignoreNamespacePrefixes in XPath assertions
Fixed success indicator of MockResponse TestSteps
Fixed Script Assertion editor to update on OK and added Cancel button
Fixed LoadTest Reports for LoadTests with long names
Fixed command-line TestCase runners to not ignore Fail on Abort setting
Fixed TIBCO EMS support
Removed a bunch of memory leaks
The following minor features where added for the final release:
Added ResponseAsXml properties to JDBC and AMF TestSteps
Added JMS Message Selector field to JMS properties Inspector
Fixed endpoint in SOAP Monitor tunnel mode
Introduced soapui.mtom.strict system property for enabling strict MTOM processing
Added uninstall of Hermes to Uninstaller
Improved command line scripts on linux and mac
Added page in mac or linux installers to disable JXBrowser component
Updated IDW dependency to 1.6.1 (Library)
Updated Groovy to 1.7.1 (Library)
Update JasperReports to 3.7.1 (Library)
OS: WinAll, Linux, MacOSX
Language: English
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