Avira AntiVir Premium
Avira AntiVir Premium reliably protects you against all threats from viruses, worms, trojans, rootkits, phishings, adware, spyware, bots, and dangerous drive-by downloads. Best detection rates and top-class security with several updates every day.
Advanced protection: Includes basic antivirus protection PLUS: email protection (POP3) , AntiPhishing, AntiSpyware, AntiAdware and more.
With real-time on-access scanning, profile-based on-demand scans and scheduling of full system scanning and updates it offers premium protection. It includes a POP3 based MailScanner that scans emails before they are stored on your machine. With a user-friendly control center, quarantine management, fast performance and world leading detection rates the Avira AntiVir Premium provides essential protection for your PC.
Premium Protection:
* AntiVir
* AntiAd/Spyware
* AntiPhishing
* AntiRootkit
* AntiDrive-by
* AntiBot
* EmailScanner
* WebGuard
* RescueSystem
Premium functions:
Protection against viruses, worms and Trojans
Protection against expensive dialers
Detects and deletes rootkits
NEW: Raised scan speed
NEW: Redesigned visual appearance
Protection against phishing
Protection against spyware
Special protection against email viruses (POP 3)
Fast updates through Premium Server
5 Euro donation to Auerbach Foundation
Protection against annoying adware
NEW: System to create a Rescue-CD
Operating systems:
- Microsoft Windows 2000, SP 4
- Microsoft Windows XP Home or Professional, SP2
- Microsoft Windows Vista (32 or 64 Bit)
- Microsoft Windows 7 (32 or 64 Bit)
Size : 43 MB
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