IMSI DesignCAD 3D Max v20.0 | 62.4 MB
DesignCAD 3D Max combines easy to learn and use 2D drafting with powerful and precise 3D modeling to unleash your imagination and creativity. Easily design anything with its intuitive interface and extensive online help libraries. DesignCAD 3D MAX is the versatile CAD tool for beginners and advanced users. Use a complete set of 2D drafting and design tools, including drawing layers, hatch patterns and full dimensioning capability, and render 3D models with materials or textures for added impact. Or, easily import/export editable DXF/DWG files without the risk of data loss or corruption. 2D drafting and 3D modeling have never been easier.
DesignCAD?s drafting tools let you design everything from engines and mechanical parts, to circuit boards, technical drawings and more. Create complex 3D shapes simply by extruding (pulling) them from your 2D shapes. Edit directly in 3D mode and apply colors brush styles and lighting effects to create stunning visual presentations.
* Versatile, Easy to Learn & Use
* Precision 2D Drafting
* Precision 3D Modeling
* 3D Visualization and Lighting
* Symbols and 3D Images
* Animation & Walkthroughs
* Added Flexibility when Sharing Your Work
* AutoCAD® DWG/DXF Compatible
Easy to Learn & Use 2D/3D Design
Design 2D drawings fast and easy, then create complex 3D shapes simply by extruding (pulling) them from your 2D shapes
Powerful New Drawing Compare Technology
Drawing Compare is an invaluable aid when working collaboratively on a project, or when picking up an older project and looking to see the status of updates. Use it to compare a design and an ?As Built? drawing to see where changes have been implemented.
Beautiful Rendering
Apply a variety of materials, textures, colors, brush styles, and light effects to create stunning images. Customize material textures to further enhance the realism.
Animations & Walkthroughs
Enjoy user-friendly tools for creating professional level animations and walkthroughs of your finished drawings.
Over 10,000 CAD Symbols
Save time with access to over 10,000 2D/3D symbols to quickly drag and drop into your design. Retrieve millions more mechanical and architectural symbols with a free, 3-Month subscription to®!
AutoCAD® DWG/DXF Compatible & More
Read and write AutoCAD® files through 2009 and enjoy excellent compatibility with AutoCAD® layouts and PaperSpace, plus support for AutoCAD® layers, linestyles, views, and blocks in both DXF and DWG file formats.
DesignCAD imports DWG, DXF, WMF, HPGL and XYZ files and exports to DWG, DXF, WMF, HPGL, RIB, VRML, WPG and PDF.
DesignCAD also supports several image formats including .BMP, .TIF, .JPG, .TGA, .WMF, .PSD, .AWD, .EPS, .WPG, .TIF, .PCX, and .PNG
New Features:
Improved Layer Options
An option has been added to Layer Options to ?Automatically toggle by-layer settings?. When this option is off, moving to a layer with a preset linestyle or color updates the current linestyle and/or color, but doesn?t automatically turn on the Linestyle by Layer or Color by Layer flags.
Improved Grouping
A group entity?s layer no longer affects the visibility of group contents.
Improved Trimming of a line against a circle, arc, or closed shape
Now when "Trim Picked Segments Only" is selected, the line will trim to the intersection closest to the point selected on the trimming shape rather than to the intersection closest to the original end of the line. If not selected, users can still trim against the closest segment of a polyline.
General Performance Enhancements include:
Improved Dimension Select
Improved PointXYZ key
Improved Paperspace fixed-width lines
Improved Intersect2 with Circles
Improved Circle Tangent to Two Lines
Improved Vertical Dimensions
Improved Bounding Box calculation
Improved Show/Hide Command Dialog box ?Hide? command
Improved Enable Offscreen Bitmap option
Improved Move Origin
Improved interoperability with older versions of DesignCAD (17 and older) ? Now saved dimensions are fully editable in the target version of DesignCAD
Arrowheads in Dim Progressive now correspond to user-selected arrowheads
Reverse Points in the Info Box is now enabled for MultiLine entities
Plus, some default settings have been change based on user input including Running Snaps OFF, Interruptible Snaps ON, Layer list shows all layers instead of named layers only.
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