Registry Gear

Safe To Use
Registry Gear is designed to be safe to use. All operations on registry will have the backups. You can UNDO the operations and restore the backups in just one click.

Easy To Use
With the 'Step By Step' operation mode, you can use Registry Gear at once. NO Experience Or Computer Skills Necessary!

Effective To Use
Registry Gear could be run in an automatic way. You even no need to give one click to Registry Gear after you set up its automatic tasks.

Benefits & Features
Scan & Fix Scan & Fix

* Invalid ActiveX, OLE, COM
* Application Paths
* Windows Fonts
* Sound and AppEvents
* Help and Resource
* Shared DLLs
* Startup Programs
* Add/Remove Programs
* File Extensions
* Windows Start Menus
* User Software Settings
* Browser Helper Objects (BHO)
* History Lists
* Shortcut Files
* Windows Firewall Programs
* Virtual Devices and Services
* Empty Registry Keys
* IE Context Menu
* IE Toolbar Buttons
* Invalid Files Paths

