O&O DiskImage Server Edition v5.0.127-ZWT | 41.0 MB
Creating images of entire servers is one of the standard measures currently taken by companies for protecting their data and system configurations. O&O DiskImage Server Edition takes this once step further by providing features that make your job as an Administrator significantly easier. Among these features are the network support made possible by O&O Enterprise Management Console and the Job Assistant for time-scheduling a variety of jobs. Remote installation and creating images within a network can now be done directly from your workstation. What's more, forensic imaging for purposes of data recovery and the Start CD (which can be used even under defective Windows systems) are often the very last hope for your company's data when trouble strikes.
. M.I.R. Restoration onto different hardware
. One-click imaging
. E-mail notification of activities
. Additional information bar
. TrayIcon to provide information on service and job status
. Also creates system partition images during operation
. 1:1 copies of drives (cloning)
. Advanced burning functions to CD/DVD/Blu-Ray/HD-DVD
. Works with Microsoft Virtual PC Disks (VHD)
. Start CD with base operating system and system rescue tools
. Detailed reports
. Control and management of the local network possible (Only valid in combination with the O&O Enterprise Management Console)
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