NTI Media Maker | 195MB
Solid software package for burning CD and DVD-level programs like Nero and Easy Media Creator. In addition to burning discs of different types in the package provides capabilities to capture video and audio from different sources, tools for editing video and audio with the ability to add effects, video player with support for AVI, MPEG-1 and MPEG-2, a virtual CD-ROM, a utility covers for CDs, etc.
The structure includes:
1. NTI HomeVideo Maker - capture, edit, and create your own movies!
2. Cinematic Video and Cinematic Slideshow - has edited together a large portion of your video and and automatically
add transitions and effects and even synchronize with your background music.
3. NTI Backup Now 5 Standard - will protect valuable video, photos, music and data files. Back up important
files on CD, DVD, and a data disc Blu-Ray, HDD, or even a server FTP.
4. NTI DVD Fit - Movies will reap double the level in the size of a single level, remove unwanted features,
and prozhget them, without having to break the film on two disks.
5. NTI Video Converter - convert videos for playback on iPod, PSP , Zune and other portable
6. NTI Ripper - for offices and archiving music.
7. NTI Digital Jack - for playback of music collections.
8. NTI JewelCase Maker - Project setup disk image. Choose from a library of background images,
add text, add playlists automatically to design, create, and print your own
Insert CD Cover disc
Information about the program:
Platform | OC: Windows All
Language: English Russian
Enabling | reg code: Is present
Archive Size: 195 MB
Added information recovery 5%
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