Native Instruments Guitar Pro 5.2 with Guitar rig 4.0 and Pro Tabs Archive Complete | 671MB

Guitar pro 5.2 - a modern program for those who wished to improve significantly tuning his guitar or other musical instruments to realize a breakthrough in recording technology melodies and edit an entry in the desired format. Guitar rig 4.0 - Innovative program are offered the chance to configure multiple processes engaged when recording guitar melodies, developed, and now Native Instruments is a computer editor, catches the incoming audio signals into sound playing electric guitar.
Year: 2009
Version: 5.2 Pro, RSE, Rig 4, portable
Developer: Acrobas Music
Language: English
Works in windows 7 !
Medicine: Yes
Rare combination of possibilities that we can provide both classic and modern sounding musical instrument - it is an application Guitar rig 4.0. Soft native instruments Guitar rig configured so that the Executive found the opportunity to build personal scores, guitar tablature editing, build their own chords and getting the right sound. This program includes of course the function setting guitars. These programs can substitute for the presence of entire recording multistudy, various musical instruments and special effects, "Wash", as they are needed as any artist in the recording zvukostudii and at public events. Guitar rig 4.0 can save you a large amount of money needed for recording your musical instrument or playing a musical instrument "live" and that the most important musicians tune in the desired direction and to organize it requires a creative atmosphere. One of the most respected developers in this area was established technology "Dynamic Tube Response", who made ground-breaking and makes it possible to do without that particular number of microphones and amplifiers, which are needed every musician at a concert or record music with the intention of achieving the desired sound. The designers of the program adopted innovative gadgetry, so that the musicians were able to implement in full all the advances in science and technology for their own purposes, in this case, both classical and modern, for example delay, reverb, ekvalayzer.Guitar rig 4.0 makes it possible to modulate chain of musical instrument in the right order for a special occasion, which remains an extremely valuable find for any artist. You must proyuzat full version guitar pro and guitar rig, and you will understand that this is truly an indispensable purchase for anyone who wants to perform musical works at the highest level and not get hard-to-use and affordable program that provides clarity, depth and richness sounds. Unmatched combination of all the options that we have the opportunity to give both classical and modern sounding musical instrument - a program Guitar rig 4.0.

Added another lib for Guitar Pro (more than 35000 songs in contemporary styles,
including Melodic Metal, Neo Metal, Punk, Grundge, HipHop etc)

