(SP1) is another vehicle through which Microsoft provides operating system improvements to customers.
SP1 is an update to both Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 that, along with improvements delivered to users via other channels, addresses feedback from our customers. As with previously released updates, SP1 contains changes that are focused on addressing specific reliability, performance, and compatibility issues, supporting new types of hardware, and adding support for several emerging standards. SP1 also continues to improve upon the IT administration experience. SP1 is not intended to be a vehicle for releasing new features; however, some existing components do gain slightly enhanced functionality in SP1.
Service packs also help ensure that your systems are up-to-date. Updates to the Windows operating system, including updates released with bulletins from the Microsoft Support Response Center, will be reviewed and built only for currently-supported service packs. Installing the latest service pack ensures customers have the maximum support lifecycle for their investment. Service Pack 1 for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 will include previously released updates and will deliver a number of powerful new features for Windows Server 2008 R2 for virtualization and Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). New techniques in memory management with the addition of Dynamic Memory functionality, as well as the ability to deliver full-fidelity graphic experiences in remote and virtualized environments with RemoteFX, enable organizations to realize the greatest possible potential from their infrastructure. The resulting increase in efficiency and functionality allows for accelerated server consolidation, a more powerful virtualized desktop infrastructure, and an increased return on technology investments.
The impact of SP1 on the Windows 7 client operating system is considered to be minimal. Included changes are expected to address minor usability issues in specific scenarios, as outlined in this document. While Microsoft always recommends that users deploy the latest service pack as quickly as possible in order to maintain the best levels of support, security and user experience, we are strongly recommending to customers and partners that deployment of SP1 should not be considered a blocking issue for the adoption of Windows 7. In other words, organizations do not need to wait for SP1 to begin receiving the value of Windows 7 today as we dont anticipate the SP1 for Windows 7 to be substantial.
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