Interactive Atlas of Clinical Anatomy + Cardiovascular 2.0
Ebook | Windows, Mac | Interactive Atlas of Clinical Anatomy + Cardiovascular 2.0 | 839 MB
Normal and clinical anatomy, radiographs, The Visible Human Project, and text in a powerful interactive program.
This powerful interactive program features many of Dr. Netters timeless illustrations from The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations (including all of his illustrations from the second edition of Atlas of Human Anatomy). An enormous amount of material in a flexible, well-integrated format. Windows and Macintosh versions available.
⢠Over 1,200 full-color Netter illustrations
⢠Thousands of cross-sections plus video from The Visible Human Projectâ¢
⢠Nearly 2,000 screens comparing normal and clinical anatomy
⢠Hundreds of diagnostic images (CT scans, MRIs, X-rays)
⢠Multiple practice and custom exams
Perfect for patient education, instructor presentations, ongoing reference, or as an interactive study tool. An enormous amount of material in a well-integrated, flexible, intuitive program.
With the Interactive Atlas of Clinical Anatomy CD-ROM, youll fly through the brilliant collection of medical illustrations by Frank H. Netter, MD. See cross sections of the human body from head to toe. and exaily explore real-world disease correlations.
Its all right here, in the software program created by leading medical educators!
Its the perfect electronic resource for primary medical and allied health education, staff training, medical reference, and patient education.
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