8.0 Serial RegistryFix - Registry Fix Tool

Registryfix will scan your system registry and hard drive to find the referenced files and incorrect system.

The reference does not exist can cause the phenomenon of system instability, PC errors, crashes the application, as well as causes of slow machines.

Free scanning process will identify errors related to:
The link file format does not exist
The boot program does not exist
The device driver incorrect
The application path is invalid
The DLL file does not exist
The help file does not exist
The system font does not exist
And more

Other product features include:
Manager browser helper objects (BHO)
This feature allows you to manage all Internet Explorer objects to ensure only those components you want to run!
Manager startup programs
Control all the boot options from this easy to use utility
Manager to install / uninstall program
Control all the programs from this easy to use utility
Utility back up the entire registry
Control all backups from this easy to use utility

