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Internet Download Accelerator - a download manager. Supports loading files on HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols, download file into multiple streams (thereby increasing the rate of loading), is able to recover interrupted downloads, tracks clicks in browsers Internet Explorer, Nescape, Mozilla, Opera and clipboard. It has built-in scheduler for scheduling, as well as a search engine files (music, programs,
games, etc.). Supports skins, interface - multilingual.
The changes in version 5.8 - 9 April 2010:
- Now Internet Download Accelerator is free for non-commercial use. If you want to get the advantages of the IDA PRO or use the IDA for commercial
purposes you must buy the IDA PRO license.;
- Improved Windows 7 compatibility;
- Added support for metalink format;
- Improved download interception from Firefox, Opera and Chrome;
- Added Remote Download plug-in;
- Improved download from video services;
- IDABar for Mozilla Firefox now supports download of any stream video;
- Improved Firefox plug-in;
- Improved needed disk space detection algorithm if there is a lack of free space;
- Added warning message if external drive used for saving a file is disconnected while download is in progress;
- Improved FTP download with mirrors;
- Improved display of UTF-encoded links and Unicode detection when extracting file name from URL;
- Improved download from SourceForge;
- Added new options to plug-in interface;
- Fixed bug with FLV-player in Firefox;
- Added detection of various types of FLV content and forming correct file extension;
- On Windows Vista and above the system Downloads folder is chosen as default;
- Improved archive download;
- Added option Open Folder ... from the tray pop-up menu after download completion;
- Added plug-ins for Internet Explorer and Firefox allowing to add files for remote download with one click;
- Improved interface for adding multiple downloads, when readding a number of downloads they are treated as a group;
- Simplified getting new download link in case the site returned an html page. Automatic link replacement if the link is dragged onto the floating
window or copied to the clipboard;
- Added convenient link, path and search queries navigation with Ctrl + -> and Ctrl +
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