Sunbelt VIPRE Antivirus & Antispyware 3.1.2775
Is your antivirus program slowing down your PC? Ditch your old antivirus software for high-performance, next-gen antivirus antispyware that IS NOT a resource hog.
PC Magazine's security expert Neil Rubenking just gave VIPRE an excellent review with 4 STARS and said: "As its name indicates, Sunbelt Software's VIPRE Antivirus Antispyware 3.1 is designed to handle all kinds of malicious software, and it does a very thorough job." Robert Vamosi's CNET review of VIPRE said: "7.8 out of 10: Very Good. VIPRE combines antivirus and antispyware technology in a fast and light application that also includes a worthy set of security tools." But spend a minute to find out what VIPRE can do for a home PC with old-style antivirus on it. Read this ZDNet review that starts out with: "Sunbelt Software's VIPRE - I've finally found an antivirus package that delivers the goods. Next, in a follow-up post he does a performance shoot-out and concludes: "Sunbelt Software's claim that VIPRE doesn't hog system resources and doesn't slow down a PC isn't just marketing hyperbole but is actually true."
High-performance, next-generation antivirus antispyware software
VIPRE combines antivirus, antispyware, anti-rootkit and other technologies into a seamless, tightly-integrated product. Built with next-generation technology, VIPRE (Virus Intrusion Protection Remediation Engine) gives you powerful antivirus and antispyware software in-one that protects you against today's highly complex malware threats including viruses, adware, spyware and rootkits, without hogging your PC resources like many traditional antivirus products.
Checkmark Anti-Virus Certified
VIPRE is Checkmark Anti-Virus Desktop certified by West Coast Labs and will receive additional certifications through other certifying bodies in the coming months.
Does not slow down your PC!
User surveys show the biggest frustration with existing antivirus solutions is bloat and high resource usage. VIPRE's design is low on system resources and optimizes your overall PC user experience, keeping notification pop-ups and warnings to a minimum.
Still use Sunbelt's CounterSpy?
Then compare the features of CounterSpy with VIPRE which includes CounterSpy's award-winning Active Protection technology. You can continue using CounterSpy (new versions will be made available), but if you want to save family budget, get rid of your old, resource-hungry antivirus program! Want to speed up your PC and save money? Ditch your bloated antivirus and get VIPRE now. It is available as an upgrade to CounterSpy for just $9.95.
Real-time monitoring with Active Protection?ao
VIPRE's Active Protection delivers real time monitoring and protection against known and unknown malware threats. Active Protection works inside the Windows kernel (the core of the operating system), watching for malware and stopping it before it has a chance to execute on your system.
Full protection against email-borne threats
VIPRE includes comprehensive protection against email viruses, with direct support for Outlook, Outlook Express and Windows Mail; and support for any email program that uses POP3 and SMTP.
Advantages of VIPRE Antivirus Antispyware
High-performance threat protection with low impact on system resources
Scans email for malware threats
Kernel-level Active Protection guards you 24/7
Advanced anti-rootkit technologies
Small, regular definition updates greatly reduce update downloading time
VIPRE has three extra bonus tools: a history cleaner, a secure file eraser, and the PC Explorer for advanced users.
Find Out How Bad Old-style Antivirus Resource Usage Really Is.
Old-style antivirus products have stacked layer upon layer of engines, and created bloatware in the process. They slow down your PC, have slow scan times and cause performance problems. See VIPRE's low impact on system resources compared to the competition. Click the chart to the right to enlarge.
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