Ashlar-Vellum Cobalt v8 SP2
Cobalt matches professional power with speed and ease of use for flexible 3D modeling. Available for both Macintosh and Windows, Cobalt lets creative people work without worrying about their software. Designers save time and money by moving quickly from conception through completion in the real world of last minute changes. Primarily for designers, engineers and inventors, Cobalt leads the Ashlar-Vellum? product line with on-demand, dimensionally constrained and equation-driven parametrics that make creating variations on a design faster and easier than ever before.
The Vellum? magic is addictive?ask any Ashlar-Vellum customer why they use our products and you?ll hear about ?Vellumness.? Across our product line, the uniting element is the magical feel of creative simplicity and efficient power. It anticipates your needs and quietly offers help without distraction or intrusion.
Sketch in 2D and 3D?play with an idea, explore, discover. Only pencil and paper compete. Once you begin working with Vellum products, you?ll understand the cult following.
Design any shape imaginable?even the organic forms essential to high-end design. Traditional CAD lacks the flexibility to create truly aesthetic, uniquely beautiful forms. Not so with Ashlar-Vellum products.
Bring real products to life?move beyond conceptual design to analyzing, marketing, manufacturing and sales. Cobalt?s precise 3D data guarantees accurate drawings and compelling marketing images. Generate renderings for sales, training and promotions, export data for fabrication, or send shop drawings to manufacturing.
Propagate product lines? Cobalt alone offers parametric design variations using equations or relationships so you can quickly develop product families from one concept. Unlike traditional enterprise-based CAD programs, Cobalt?s parametrics are extremely easy to use and available on-demand.
Join the leaders?design innovators share a common tool: Cobalt. From renowned jewelry designers in New York and Paris to athletic equipment companies in the Pacific Northwest, from Apple Computer to Scaled Composites, Cobalt?s flexibility frees creative people to focus on design.
Control the workflow?you can manage files even in the real world of multiple systems and users. Cobalt provides seamless data integration and accurate file sharing through our unparalleled set of translators, all included free.
Realize profits sooner?can you afford to wait? Cobalt streamlines the design process from start to finish, saving you time and money.
? Unified Associative, Dimensionallyconstrained Parametric Drawing & Modeling Tools for Wireframe, Surfaces and Solids
? Vellum Drafting AssistantTM for Intelligent Snaps and Alignments in X,Y, & Z
? Unique Hybrid Mac/Windows, Office/Home Licensing
? Complete Set of Precision Import/Export Translators Including ACIS SAT, Parasolid, IGES, STEP, DXF, DWG, EPS, AI, and more
? Class-A NURBS Surface Modeling
? True Solid Modeling
? Surface Analysis
? Full Photo-realistic Rendering & Camera-based Animation
? Design Explorer History Tree
? Associative 2D View Generation with Auxiliary, Section, and Detail Views
? True Associative Dimensioning
? Bill of Materials
? License Includes GraphiteTM v7
? Dimensionally Constrained & Equationdriven Parametrics
? Associative Assembly Tools
? Object & Assembly Properties (CG, Volume, Weight, etc.)
? Mold Tools Including Core, Cavity, Rib, and Lip
? Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (GD&T)
? 148,000 3D Mechanical Parts Library
General Features:
? Direct, Associative or Dimensionally Constrained 3D Modeling
? ACIS Modeling Kernel from Spatial
? 16 Place Floating Point Accuracy
? Hybrid Mac/Windows, Office/Home License
? 65,000 Hierarchical Layers
? Unlimited Colors
? Unlimited Number of Objects and Drawing Size
? Single File Holds Drawings, Models, Assemblies, etc.
? ACIS SAT ? DWG/DXF ? IGES ? STEP ? Pro/E (via SAT) ? Parasolid X_T (Windows Only) ? SolidWorks (via SAT) ? Catia v4 ? 3D Studio (Import Only) ? Rhino 3DM (Import Only) ? Facet ? STL ? Adobe Illustrator ? EPS (Export Only) ? CGM ? VRML ? ShockWave 3D (Export Only) ? PICT (Mac Only) ? Spline (Import Only) ? RAW Triangle (Export Only) ? ASCII Text ? Grid Surface (Import Only) ? Other Ashlar-Vellum Products.
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