Ultimate Boot CD 5.0 RC2 | 310MB
Ultimate Boot CD is completely free for the download, or could be obtained for a small fee. If you had somehow paid a ridiculous amount of money for it, you have most likely been fleeced. The least you could do is to make as many copies of the offical UBCD and pass it to your friends, relatives, colleagues or even complete strangers to minimize the per unit cost of your loss!
Change history:
- Updated Gujin to V2.8.1.
- Updated FreeDOS kernel in fdubcd.img.gz to build 2039.
- Updated Panasonic USB driver in fdubcd.img to V2.27.
- Updated UBCD icon.
- Updated HDClone to V3.8.4a.
- Added "-f" switch to line 55 of ubcd2usb.cmd.
- Added "/fs:fat32" switch to line 50 of ubcd2usb.cmd.
- Joined line 80 and 81 of ubcd2usb.cmd.
- Added "/f" switch to ubcd2usb.cmd.
- Added note to help text in ubcd2usb.cmd to run it with admin rights under Vista/Win7.
- Updated EaseUs Disk Copy to V2.3.
- Added Hardware Detection Tool v0.3.6.
- Added one-liner in ubcd2iso.cmd and ubcd2usb.cmd to remove [BOOT] subdirectory created when UBCD ISO image is extracted using 7-Zip.
- Added startup.bat to launch System Speed Test 32 with help text and provide option for user to abort and launch SST manually.
- Changed mkisofs "-R" switch in ubcd2iso.cmd to "-r".
- In ubcd2iso.cmd and ubcd2usb.cmd, use "pushd" instead of "cd", otherwise script will not change to target directory under Win7.
- Removed deprecated BugHunter V2.2e.
- Updated ASTRA to V5.45.
- Updated CHZ Monitor-Test to V2.0.
- Updated DFT to V4.16.
- Updated DiskCheck to V3.8.
- Updated ESFeat to V2.30.
- Updated Free FDISK to V1.3.1.
- Updated g4u to V2.4.
- Updated HDAT2 to V4.7.1.
- Updated IBM Feature Tool to V2.15.
- Updated Intel Processor Identification Utility to V4.22.20100302.
- Updated Parted Magic to V4.10.
- Updated Partition Saving to V3.80.
- Updated Partition Saving to V3.80.
- Updated PLoP Boot Manager to V5.0.8.
- Updated Super Grub2 Disk to V1.30.
- Updated syslinux/isolinux to V3.86. Removed /boot/syslinux/memdisk-iso because it has been integrated into /boot/syslinux/memdisk, and updated syslinux2grub4dos.sed correspondingly.
- Use mdiskchk.com instead of getargs.com in fdubcd.img for retrieving memdisk parameters. This supports parameters retrieval in previous memdisk instances in the case of memdisk-within-memdisk booting.
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