Open 7 Activator 1.1.3
Yeah, new Win7 activation toolkit. Just get yourself Windows 7 releases from GRP or WZT, choose one of the activation methods and youre good to go. Read instructions first.
The following are some of the neat features of O7A:
* This program will run in any version of Windows 7 (all versions of Windows 7 are supported and can be activated), and in Windows Server 2008 R2 (out of the Windows Server 2008 R2 family, there are only SLP keys available for Windows Server 2008 R2 currently only Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard can be activated).
* The program allows you to dump both the SLIC and the Certificate from your Windows. The SLIC will be dumped into a \".bin\" file and the Certificate will be dumped to a \".xrm-ms\" file.
* The program expands from a simple mode to display an \"Activation Station\" that shows activation information, and gives the user access to more useful. options
* This program uses the latest public version 0.97 of zsmin's GRUBloader.
* The program allows you to easily re-check the activation status of Windows at any time by clicking the \"Re-check Activation\" button (part of the \"Activation Station\").
* The program allows you to only install the product key (without installing the certificate, or loader file, as well). This is great for users that want to update the product key they are using to a more recently leaked product key every once in a while, and don't want to bother with having to install the certificate (or loader file) as well.
* The ability to insert any SLIC you choose from the \"Certificate/SLIC\" drop-down listbox into either GRUBloader *or* the Windows bootmgr (the 'bootmgr' feature is for expert users only!).
* The ability to add a system restore point with a single click if you are worried about messing anything up.
* The ability to add any OEM information and picture you would like to your System Properties window (the window where it shows your Windows is activated...).
* 1 button-click activation backup and restoration (mostly for people who use retail they can reinstall Windows and not have to activate online again after).
* Integrated product key checker that will check if a product key you enter is a valid Windows product key, and it will also tell you if the key you are checking will be \"Genuine\" or not when installed on your system - before installing it...
* The integrated product key checker allows you to install any valid product key you check that matches the version of Windows you are running - with 1 button click.
* Additionally, using the product key checker will not lock up the program (when checking the product key) like almost all other product key checker programs out there.
* The program uses an external \"keys.ini\" file, as well as a backup internal keys.ini file, and an internal keys list as well as a fail-safe in case O7A is run from a read-only drive (CD, DVD, etc.) and no keys.ini file is present (and one cannot be created because the drive is read-only). This gives the user a place to put their custom keys.
* The program comes with a custom \"keys.ini\" file editor to make editing your \"keys.ini\" file (adding/removing product keys for various editions of Windows) very easy - using mouse clicks with a minimal amount of typing.
* The program comes with full help documentation built in, with pictures and a step-by-step activation guide, and a brief FAQ -> just click the [Help] button...
* The program contains helpful tool-tips for every control on the program - if you are unsure what something does, hover your mouse over that control for a few seconds to read a little information about it (or read the help documentation for more info...).
* Fast installation based on WMI code and GUID paths.
* The program's internal resources are all encoded in base64 in an attempt to obfuscate them to prevent tampering by script kiddies and mal-ware packers... There are also internal hash checks on various resources used by the program to try to better ensure that the program warns users if any internal resources are tampered with, and disallows the use of that resource.
* The program as lots of built-in error checking and on-the-fly error correction that will more effectively ensure the proper installation of the product key and certificate, as well as proper installation of the loader file. If the program is *somehow* unable to install something properly then it will try alternate methods of installing that thing (whether it be the product key, certificate, or loader file), and if there is an error the program will tell you.
* The program has built in fail-safes that will better ensure activation. [Examples: O7A will use GUID paths to install the loader file onto the Windows System Volume (the boot volume) so there is no mounting of drives required... If this method fails for some reason, O7A will notice the failure and mount the drive to install the loader file (only if needed); There are more fail-safes are built into the code, that is just a brief example.]
* When installing the key/certificate/loader, the program will check to ensure these things are properly installed after (and not just install things and hope they were installed properly)... (An example: after the program installs the product key, it will then query Windows for the partial of the installed key...then the program will compare the partial of the key the program just installed with the partial key in the system to ensure the key was installed correctly.)
(NOTE: I built the help file out of html since my original plan to use a .rtf file and a rich text box to output the text and images resulted in a ~25MB .rtf file... So the end result is that I used a web control to display the help file contents to save me file size while still being able to show the help document in real time with a button-click and no 3rd party programs. A side-effect of this, however, is when using a web control to read the html help file, Windows must access the COM interface... No data is transmitted or sent anywhere, and you can verify this yourself. If it really bothers people, I guess I can just put the help document into a .pdf file and remove the Help button...)
If you download the program and are unsure what to do, read the help documentation by clicking the [Help] button when the program is running...
Basically, all you need to do is run the program and click the [Install] is literally that simple. If you have a modded BIOS, check the \"I have a modded BIOS\" check box prior to clicking the [Install] button to have the program just install the product key and certificate...or check the \"Install Product Key only\" check box to install just the product key (if you want to update the SLP key you are using to a more recently leaked one). I have gone to great lengths to make the program very easy to use.
Changes in version 1.2.7:
Made O7A \"smarter\" - now when O7A loads up it will try to detect if the user's system already has the required SLIC 2.1. If the user's system has SLIC 2.1, O7A will detect the vendor of the SLIC and set the \"SLIC/Certificate\" combo box to match the SLIC. O7A will also automatically check the \"Install Key and Cert only\" check box, since the SLIC 2.1 is already present, we only need to install the matching certificate and a matching product key (if one exists). This way we avoid the unnecessary installation of a loader file. If O7A finds valid SLIC 2.1 but cannot locate a matching certificate internally, O7A will check the \"Install Product Key only\" check box (and must assume a proper certificate is already installed) so that only a product key will be installed because we do not want to risk installing a mis-matched certificate. The user always has the option to click on the \"Advanced Options\" and install a custom certificate that matches the vendor of their SLIC 2.1... Wink
Also added various other checks into O7A to ensure that the user doesn't do something that harms their activation.
Here are the proper hashes for version 1.2.7 of the Open 7 act*vator.exe file (the .exe file inside of the 'O7A_v1.2.7.rar' file):
CRC32: 23EF1184
MD5: 01355C9AB66C8B18A8B4DB35AA2C3809
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