MAGIX Music Maker 16 Premium is perfect for composing music: stunning songs, experimental beats, and exciting soundtracks!
Music Maker Premium offers everything you need to make your own music:
* A massive sound archive featuring over 3,500 sounds and loops
* Ability to record on 96 audio and MIDI tracks
* Mixing console including 5.1 Surround mixing, effects and remix tools, analog synthesizers
* Burn CDs in the official standard of music labels and the record industry
# Cut and paste any sample or sound with just a mouse click
# Drag and drop any part of your composition to get the right sound
# Listen to individual tracks independently
# Design your mix with more space by distributing instruments in the stereo field via the panorama controls, and switch on effects with a click to make your mix even more interesting.
Music Maker 15 Premium allows you to arrange your work quickly and easily. Thousands of current audio building blocks and effects from the studios of world renowned producers are waiting to be combined and transformed however you want. Integrate your own recordings or parts of your favorite music on up to 96 tracks. In a short time, your own musical creation will be ready - in CD quality.
Download MAGIX Music Maker Premium incl working Serial:
Tested and working with serial!
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