Adobe Flash Builder Premium v4.0
Adobe? Flash? Builder? 4 (formerly Adobe Flex? Builder?) software is designed to help software developers rapidly develop cross-platform rich Internet applications (RIAs) and content using the open source Flex framework. It includes support for intelligent coding, debugging, and visual design and features powerful testing tools that speed up development and lead to higher performing applications.
Creative Suite 4 Web Premium is ideal for Web designers and developers, interactive designers, mobile designers and developers, who can use it to design and maintain interactive Web sites, applications, user interfaces, online advertising, presentations, mobile device content, and other digital experiences, from prototype to final output.
Creative Suite 4 Web Premium combines: Adobe Dreamweaver CS4, Adobe Flash CS4 Professional, Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended, Adobe Illustrator CS4 , Adobe Fireworks CS4, Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro, Adobe Soundbooth CS4 , Adobe Contribute CS4, Adobe Bridge CS4, Adobe Device Central CS4, and Adobe Version Cue CS4.
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