Reset Windows Password
Reset Windows Password - the best professional program to reset, change or recover passwords for all types of user accounts Windows. Utility supports all versions of Windows, working with local and domain accounts, almost instantly recovers passwords for the accounts, moreover.
Reset Windows Password is required when they lose an administrator password, if forgotten password to log on Windows, it is not possible to activate your account. The program is loaded from a bootable CD or USB drive. The application interface is made in the form of the wizard. Therefore, the process of operation does not seem difficult, even inexperienced users.
Unlike other similar utilities, Reset Windows Password - the only program that works correctly with all types of user accounts Windows.
Features Reset Windows Password:
- Simple, intuitive graphical interface.
- Reset and change passwords of local users and administrators, administrators of the domain user accounts, account DSRM.
- Activation and unlock user accounts.
- Disables password expiration.
- Advanced algorithms for finding the password.
- Support for all versions of Windows, including Windows 7.
- Supports Windows (X64).
- Boot from a bootable CD or USB drive.
- A large collection of IDE, SATA, SCSI, RAID drivers.
- Detects multiple operating systems installed on your computer.
- Allows you to undo changes made to the system.
- Removes passwords and other sensitive data from your computer.
Operating System: Windows ? All
Year: 2009
Language: English / Deutsch / Russian
License: built
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