With Photo Flash Maker, you can create gorgeous photo flash slideshows in SWF format for watching on computer, burn the auto-run flash photo album to gift CD/DVD, build a web gallery with amazing flash slideshows with dynamic SWF HTML XML files, or upload the slideshows to our free web album Go2Album, and then embed the slideshows to MySpace, Blogger, Friendster and many other social websites.
Whether you?re a seasoned pro or just starting on your family tree, Family Tree Maker 2010 can help you create a family tree faster, easier, and better than ever before. The end result is a family history that you and your family will treasure for years to come.
See What?s in Family Tree Maker 2010:
* Enhanced integration with Ancestry.com ? Import your Ancestry.com family tree, along with attached photos.
* Improved organization ? Enjoy new ways to organize photos and other media.
* Slideshows ? Create slideshows from photos in your tree.
* Family books ? Publish beautiful keepsakes and books to share with friends and family.
* Standard source templates ? Cite the right information every time.
* A new person view ? View relationships within the context of your entire family tree.
* Scanner support ? Add photos directly from your scanner.
* Family migration paths ? View timelines and interactive maps highlighting events and places in your ancestors? lives.
* Better Performance ? Experience faster load times and navigation.
Product Highlights:
* A dynamic user interface that lets you quickly switch between important features.
* The ability to import data from other genealogy programs, including Personal Ancestral File, The Master Genealogist, and Legacy Family Tree.
* A Web Search that is integrated with Ancestry.com so you can easily add records and images from the millions of available historical records.
* Attractive charts and reports in a variety of formats.
* The ability to add photos and audio and video files to your tree.
* Timelines and interactive maps.
* Powerful sourcing tools that let you document?and rate?each citation.
Mount or Burn
Run setup.exe
No serial needed
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