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الموضوع: IVT BlueSoleil v6.5

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  1. #1
    عضو شرف
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي IVT BlueSoleil v6.5

    IVT BlueSoleil v6.5

    IVT BlueSoleil v6.5 | 38 MB

    BlueSoleil 6.0 includes all the features of BlueSoleil 5.0. BlueSoleil is a Windows-based software from IVT that allows your Bluetooth enabled
    desktop or notebook computer to wirelessly connect to other Bluetooth enabled devices. BlueSoleil allows MS Windows users to wirelessly access
    a wide variety of Bluetooth enabled digital devices, such as mobile phones, headsets, printers, keyboards and so on. You can also form networks
    and exchange data with other Bluetooth enabled computers.
    Besides, it can back up your contacts, send messages with your computer without taking your phone out of your pocket. You can also send contents
    in web pages to your Bluetooth phone directly by just select and send...

    Here are some key features of \"BlueSoleil\":
    ? Support VoIP;
    ? Transfer files from/to mobiles phones;
    ? Call your contacts though Skype with Bluetooth headset;
    ? Wireless access Internet anywhere, anytime, even on moving;
    ? Listen to music stored in the PC using a Bluetooth wireless headset anywhere in the range;
    ? Push pictures from a Bluetooth Digital Camera to the PC without any cable connection;
    ? Print a file using a Bluetooth printer even in another room without any cable connection;
    ? Use Bluetooth wireless keyboard and mouse to control the PC;
    ? Exchange or synchronize personal information, name cards etc with other laptops, PDAs or mobile phones;
    ? Support Windows muti-user.

    Here are some key features of \"BlueSoleil\":
    ? Support VoIP;
    ? Transfer files from/to mobiles phones;
    ? Call your contacts though Skype with Bluetooth headset;
    ? Wireless access Internet anywhere, anytime, even on moving;
    ? Listen to music stored in the PC using a Bluetooth wireless headset anywhere in the range;
    ? Push pictures from a Bluetooth Digital Camera to the PC without any cable connection;
    ? Print a file using a Bluetooth printer even in another room without any cable connection;
    ? Use Bluetooth wireless keyboard and mouse to control the PC;
    ? Exchange or synchronize personal information, name cards etc with other laptops, PDAs or mobile phones;
    ? Support Windows muti-user.

    ? CPU: 600MHz or above
    ? RAM: 128M or above
    ? Screen: 800*600 or above
    ? Display: Adapter True Color 16bits or above

    Contact management
    -- Backup/restore Bluetooth phone's contacts to/from computer
    -- View Bluetooth phone's contacts on computer
    -- Edit/delete/upload contacts

    -- Type and send SMS from your computer
    -- View/backup/delete SMS on Bluetooth phones

    Send contents in a web page to your Bluetooth phone
    -- Send pictures or words in a web page to Bluetooth phone

    Supported Bluetooth Phones

    All Bluetooth phones based on Symbian S60 .
    All Bluetooth phones based on Windows Mobile 5.0/6.0 .
    Most of Bluetooth phones from Nokia, Moto, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, HTC/Dopod, LG, and BlackBerry etc.

    BlueSoleil 6.0 uses a new method, computer-bundle license mechanism, for license control, instead of checking hardware license key in Bluetooth
    chipset. This new method does not limited Bluetooth chipset, thus supporting more Bluetooth computer then before, e.g. Lenovo Thinkpad notebooks,
    which uses Broadcom Bluetooth chipsets.

    Languages : English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Swedish,
    Italian, French, Danish, Dutch, Finnish

    Steps for installing:
    1)install bluesoleil
    3)insert your bluetooth device on pc
    4)open bluesoleil application
    5)open activation tool and copy-paste the serial you found on keygen
    6)copy the url from activation tool to keygen activation url and get the activation code, and again copy-paste to activation tool.



  2. #2
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى


    It's very Nice Sharing...Thanks for this....This is Useful Blue Tooth Software...I am using the Nokia Unlocked Mobile,which was Unlocked at Mobile Unlock Solutions - Nokia Supported Models using the Unlock code...Can i use the Bluesoleil Software for Unlocked Mobile?....

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