Family Tree Maker 2010 ISO
Winappz | Family Tree Maker 2010 *ISO* |
Whether you re a seasoned pro or just starting on your family tree, Family Tree Maker 2010 can help you create a family tree faster, easier, and better than ever before. The end result is a family history that you and your family will treasure for years to come.
Family Tree Maker 2010
Whether you re a seasoned pro or just starting on your family tree, Family Tree Maker 2010 can help you create a family tree faster, easier, and better than ever before. The end result is a family history that you and your family will treasure for years to come.
See What s in Family Tree Maker 2010:
* Enhanced integration with - Import your family tree, along with attached photos.
* Improved organization - Enjoy new ways to organize photos and other media.
* Slideshows - Create slideshows from photos in your tree.
* Family books - Publish beautiful keepsakes and books to share with friends and family.
* Standard source templates - Cite the right information every time.
* A new person view - View relationships within the context of your entire family tree.
* Scanner support - Add photos directly from your scanner.
* Family migration paths - View timelines and interactive maps highlighting events and places in your ancestors' lives.
* Better Performance - Experience faster load times and navigation.
* See a detailed product feature list
Product Highlights:
* A dynamic user interface that lets you quickly switch between important features.
* The ability to import data from other genealogy programs, including Personal Ancestral File, The Master Genealogist, and Legacy Family Tree.
* A Web Search that is integrated with so you can easily add records and images from the millions of available historical records.
* Attractive charts and reports in a variety of formats.
* The ability to add photos and audio and video files to your tree.
* Timelines and interactive maps.
* Powerful sourcing tools that let you document-and rate-each citation.
560 MB
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