MP3 Stream Editor | 16.5 Mb
MP3 Stream Editor is an all in one utility for your MP3s.Main advantage over other MP3 tools is the ability to edit MPEG files without decoding graphicaly on a 3D sample display easily with the mouse. Encode, re-encode, convert to WAV, cut and join MP3s, Tag MP3s with a professional ID3v2 Tag editor, or even Record MP3 streams directly. Burn AudioCD or MP3 CD/DVD compilations.
Unregistered version is limited to cut/join max. 5 minutes of MPEG stream and Audio CD track grabbing is also limited to 10 tracks per process. Everything else is fully functional.
Here are some key features of "MP3 Stream Editor":
? Visually edit (cut join) MP3 audio files on a 3D sample display with mouse (MPEG1 LayerII, III; MPEG2 LayerII, III; WAV PCM; Ogg Vorbis)
? Very fast MPEG editing (~20MB/s@1.6GHz)
? MPEG Error Correction (repair corrupted MP3s)
? Full .CUE sheet support (CD grab/cut/join/visually edit) - Subsong system
? Encode or re-encode MP3s (powerful Preset system to store various encoding settings), WMA and universal command line encoder plugin
? Directly record MP3 streams (from any input source, record "what you hear", VolumeLevelActivation, Timing)
? Grab Tracks from Audio CDs to MP3 (encodes while grabing the next track)
? Supports loading of CDA files from Audio CDs
? Supports VBR MPEG files, analyze VBR bitrates
? Edit and manage ID3v1 and ID3v2 Tags (all frames) including pictures in MP3s within ID3v2 Tags
? Rename and Tag multiple files with one click (Filename to Tag; Tag to Filename; Tag multiple MP3s at once)
? Flexible plugin system
? CD/DVD Burner plugin for controling Nero (can burn DSP processed streams as AudioCD tracks)
? Normalize DSP plugin keeps volume level at a desired maximum
? High precision Spectrum analyzer visualization Plugin
? WMA Broadcasting Plugin
? Based on BASS sound system (play virtualy unlimited MP3s at once, crossfade, adjust playback speed and volume separately)
? Supported formats: MPEG, WAV, WMA, OggVorbis, CDA, MOD, MO3, IT, XM, S3M, MTM, UMX (and any format trough Winamp input plugins)
? Use Winamp and Sonique vis plugins.
? DirectX 9
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