Total Commander Dreamlair 2010.4.2. Complete version DreamLair, DreamFree, DreamLight (16.04.2010)
Total Commander Dreamlair 2010.4.2. Complete version DreamLair, DreamFree, DreamLight (16.04.2010)
Total Commander Dreamlair 2010.4.2. Complete version DreamLair, DreamFree, DreamLight (16.04.2010)
Size : 233.74 Mb
A balanced and workable as possible build on the basis of the popular file manager Total Commander. Added settings, plug-ins and additional tools, greatly extending the core functionality of the program and provide optimum performance. Also added a set of programs for viewing and processing of various types of files, as well as for the basic computer maintenance. Year: 2010
Version: 7.55 public beta 2
Platform: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Compatibility with Vista, Win7: Yes
Language: English and Russian
Tabletka: Not required
Total Commander 7.55 public beta 2:
Complete set of Russification TC 7.50a Lite
AkelPad 4.4.3 with plugins - a powerful free text editor
ChoiceEditor 1.95c - choice of editor programs for F4
IMPOMEZIA TC Color - Editing the color files and folders
NTFS Links 1.21 - create hard links
TC Plugins Manager 2.2.1 - External plugin manager
TweakTC 6.03 SR-3 - tuner for Total Commander
Ultra TC Editors 5.54 - tool for comprehensive configuration TC
Universal Viewer 5.3.0 - Portable different files
Button to work with 7z SFX archives 0.12.4 (by gora)
Package ???????????? Total Commander 7.50 (by Maximus)
Extended English Menus for Total Commander 7.55 public beta 1 (by petermad)
Libeay32.dll and Libssl32.dll for FTP-connections, SSL / TLS
AIMP 2.60.551 - the best audio player
Ant Renamer 2.10 - Rename files
AntiDupl.NET - find duplicate images
AnVir Task Manager 6.3.1 - Process Manager
Audacity 1.3.12 RC5 - a powerful free audio editor
Autoruns 9.57 - view and edit startup
AVSearch 3.13 - search files for text fragments
Beyond Compare - comparing files and directories
Browzar - small web browser
CDSlow 4.0 - Management CD-DVD-drive
CLCL 1.1.2 - Work with the Clipboard
Defraggler 1.18.185 - compact disk defragmenter
DOSBox 0.73 - the emulator DOS-environment
DupKiller 0.8.3 - Search for duplicate files
Enable Button 1.1 - Unlocking the menu of many programs
EfficientPIM Free 2.91.225 - personal information manager
EVEREST Ultimate Edition 5.50.2100 - information about your computer
Everything - instantly search files (only works with NTFS)
FastStone Capture 6.5 - create screenshots
FTP Drive 3.5 - expanding opportunities to work with FTP
Foxit Reader - view pdf-files
Hamachi Portable - create a virtual local area network
HPUSBFW 2.0.6 - formatting flash drives
HxD - powerful free hex-editor
ICE Book Reader 8.10.2a - text reader
Internet Maniac 1.2d - working with online services
Locate32 RC3g - powerful software for searching files
LockHunter 1.0 beta 3 - Unlock and delete files and folders
Media Player Classic - HomeCinema 1.3.1788.0 - a powerful video player
Mp3tag 2.46a - editor metadata of music files
MyLanViewer 3.6.1 - scanner computer network
Neo Utilities 1.5b - a set of tools and cleaning systems
Notepad 5.6.8 - a powerful text editor
Paint.NET 3.54 - a powerful free graphics editor
Password Cracker - view passwords hidden with asterisks
POP Peeper 3.6 - a free compact mail client
PowerCmd 2.1.120 - advanced command line
PowerOff 6.3 - the planner of the computer
PuTTY 0.60 - a client for the SSH, Telnet, rlogin
QNote 3.0 beta6 - small program to record the thoughts and deeds
R & Q 1109.4 - miniature ICQ client
Recuva 1.35.472 - recover deleted files
Registry Trash Keys Finder 3.8.1 SR3 - tool for cleaning Registry
Registry Workshop 4.2.4 - Registry Editor
Resource Hacker 3.5.2 - Universal Resource Editor
Restorator 2007 3.70.1747 - Universal Resource Editor
SoftMaker Office 2010.12.8.579 - a full-fledged office suite
SpaceMonger 2.1.1 - distribution of information on your hard drive
SysTracer 2.0 - creating and comparing snapshots Registry
TheCalc 3.02 - multifunctional calculator
TrueCrypt 6.3a - Program to encrypt data on the fly
TweakUI - program to configure the system
Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.1 - tuner Windows 7
UltraExplorer - handy analog Explorer
UltraISO - Editing Disk Images
UltraVNC - Work with the remote computer
Uninstall Tool - uninstall programs installed
Universal Extractor - unpacking archives and files
Unlocker 1.8.9 - Unlock and delete files and folders
UUDS - a program for recording CDs
VirtualCDROM - virtual drive
VirtualDub - video editor
Vista XP Tweaker - powerful tweaker, customizer Piggy
WinDjView 1.0.3 - Portable file format. Djvu and. Djv
WinSCP - graphical SFTP client
WinUDA 0.291 - powerful archiver manyunky
WinUpack 0.399 - compress executable files
Wise Disk Cleaner Free 5.2.0 - a powerful cleaner files
Wise Registry Cleaner Free 5.2.1 - a powerful registry cleaner
Slovogryz 3.1 - tool for finding and replacing text on a mask
7zip - archive support 7-zip
AES encryptor 0.6.3 - coding-decoding files
AviWcx 1.7 - work with avi files
bzip2 1.2 - Support file formats BZIP2
Catalog Maker 3.1.6 - creating a list of files
CHMDir 0.40g - support files. Chm
DEB plugin 1.0 - view the installation packages Debian Linux
DiskDir Extended 1.60 - list of files and folders (the expansion. Cfg)
Gaup PRO - Image-unpacking archives of the games
GifUnpack - unpacking gif-files
Graphics Converter 1.9 Beta 4 - convert graphic files
ICLRead - Work with files icl-(biblitekami icons)
IMG 0.9b - support files and img ima
IShield 0.9.1 - Work with the Cab-files
ISO 1.7.6 - support files. Iso
MhtUnPack 1.0.1 - Work with mht-files
MPQ plugin - support files. Mpq
MSI Plus - packing and unpacking. Msi file
MultiArc - Universal Packer plugin
NSCopy - copy unreadable files
Puzzle 1.31 - encryption of files (file extension .666)
RPM ( cpio) 1.5 - Read Linux installation files
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. db unpacker 0.0.2 - Unpacking resource games
DirSizeCalc 2.15 - calculation of the size of folders
MediaInfo 0.5 - displays information about media files
ShellDetails 1.21 - use of all extensions Explorer
AceHelper 0.3.7 - Information about running processes
Back2Life for TC 2.4 - recover deleted files
BadCopy - copy damaged files
Calendar 1.0.2 - Calendar
DecClipboardFS - Clipboard
Device Manager 1.4 - Device Manager
Event NT - Event Log
ex2fs plugin 1.6 - support for Linux-sections
HTTP SmartBrowserPlugin 1.1 - a browser for the Internet
LAN Seeker 0.3.1 - Image of the network environment
Mail 0.99b6 - email plug
Motorola.P2K - support for Motorola phones
NetworkAlt 0.2 - Image Resource Network
NokiaFS - Review filesystem Nokia phones
NTFS4TC 1.2 - view the entire contents of the NTFS
OperaFS - view bookmarks Opera
PCIDetect 30.03.2010 - definition of unknown devices
Plugin Manager 2.6 - Plugin Manager
RamCopy 1.3 - fast copying files using RAM
Registry 4.8 - Registry Editor
Services 2.5b1 - local services
StartupGuard 0.5.2 - management autoloading
UnInstaller 1.8.1 - uninstall installed applications
Virtual Disk 1.31 Final - virtual disks
VirtualPanel - temporary panel
Wipe plugin (FS) 0.1 - permanently removes files
3ds Max - Image 3ds Max Models
ArchView - view information on the archives
CDRView 0.95 - mapping files CorelDRAW *. crd
DmpView 0.1 - view information on the *. dmp files
FileInfo 2.10 - Information about executables and libraries
EML 0.6 - Image file of letters *. msg / *. eml,
Font 0.09 - view font files
ICLView v21.8.2009 - show icons in the file
IEView 1.94 - to view native formats IE
Imagine 1.08.0321 - viewing and editing images
LinkInfo 1.51 - view and edit the lnk-files
ListDoc 1.2 - Image text documents in MS Word format
MchQHFView - view history QIP
Mmedia 2.46 - viewing (listening), multimedia files / DOCX / FB2 Viewer 1.7.0 - Image of office files
ScrList 1.0 - viewing screen savers
SWFView 1.3.4 - view flash movies
tcCalendar 2.5b5 - calendar, but not simple, but with lots of frills
VisualDirSize 1.3b6 - graphical display of the size of files and folders
xBaseViewFree 7.3 Build 0719 - viewing and editing database
7-Zip 9.12 beta
ACE 2.60
ARJ 3.15
CAB 0.63
LHA 2.67
RAR 3.93
UC2 3.00
UHA 0.6b
innounp 0.30
FreeArc 0.61
Link: Ugotfile: