ArcSoft PhotoImpression Gold v6.5 incl Crack
ArcSoft PhotoImpression Gold v6.5 incl Crack
Photo editing applications are ten-a-penny these days. Besides the scores of programs that are freely available for download or to buy, you normally get some kind of image manipulation software bundled with your digital camera, scanner, etc. However, if you're new to the image editing or digital photography game then you may find that many of these applications are either too complicated or just downright garbage.
PhotoImpression sets its stall out as a powerful, feature-filled photo editing application that doesn't make creating classy graphics too difficult to achieve. It has to be said that it pulls this off pretty well, and its colourful interface manages to marry some of the advanced features of programs like Photoshop with the simplicity of an app like the GIMP or IrfanView.
The GUI is laid out in a way that leads you intuitively through the process of organizing, enhancing, and creating interesting looking photos and graphics, whether it's to share on the web, email to your pals, or print out. Clicking each of the tabs that represent these stages of production will bring up a series of controls that help you perform a variety of tasks, from fixing problem photos to applying effects and frames to your images.
It would have been nice to see support for more advanced manipulation tools such as layers and gradients in PhotoImpression, but for someone who's just retouching or revamping their snaps, this is ideal. The application performs admirably compared to the wonderful, if strangely-named, GIMP. However, perhaps the key difference with this and its open source rival is you must part with cash for the full version of PhotoImpression.