How to make a DVD of your camcorder videos to watch on TV?
1) If your videos are not already on your computer, see how to import them with Windows Movie Maker freeware or check out the additional information below about the various ways in which to transfer your videos files to your computer. Once the videos are on your computer Download and install ConvertXtoDVD.
You can get it free here: ConvertXtoDVD |SoftSeeking-specialized in software of all fields,video converters,ipod converters,mobile software,etc.
2) In ConvertXtoDVD, add the video files you would like to put on a DVD. Use the options below to add your files, or drag and drop your files in the window.
2) If you want to convert and burn your project automatically onto DVD, insert a blank DVD and press the Convert button. That is all there is to it!
4) If you want to customize your project click on the "+" next to DVD Options in the Tree View. Select the template you would like to use for your menu and check or uncheck the boxes to configure the DVD's behavior ( auto start the video, loop on / off etc... ) .
Under Title Menu parameters you can edit the text that will appear at the top of your menu, in this example [MY DVD]. Depending on the template you chose you can also set a specific image or video and music file to play in the background of your title menu, simply double click on these items.
Note: If you have added only 1 file to convert and you have not unchecked the option above it "Don't create title menu for a single video) the Menu for your DVD will be the root menu, in which case you need to change "title text for root menu" under Titleset #1, section Titleset Menu parameters.
5) Click on the + next to Titleset #1 to see all the options you can edit about this video file. By right clicking on the entries Audio, Subtitles and Chapters you can add additional items or remove them. To adjust settings for the global project, use the Settings in the top menu.
6) Once you are satisfied, click on the Convert button. If you have inserted a blank DVD into you DVD burner, the result will automatically be burnt onto DVD. If you want to burn your conversion at another time you can always go to Action in the main menu and select Burn an already converted project.
Download Converxdvd: ConvertXtoDVD |SoftSeeking-specialized in software of all fields,video converters,ipod converters,mobile software,etc.
----------------------------Additional Information----------------------------
How to transfer your camcorder videos onto your computer:
There are many ways in which this can be done, but the difficultly in providing a step by step procedure is that the process varies camcorder to camcorder. Therefore it is recommended to follow the instructions provided with your camcorder on how to transfer your video files to your computer.
Nonetheless here are some of the ways to do the transfer:
By disk: If your camcorder records onto disk (a small disk) insert it into your DVD burner (the disk may require finalization in your camcorder in order to be recognized by your DVD drive). You can either add the file to ConvertXtoDVD by directly from the disk or you can first copy it to your hard drive (you can do this by dropping and dragging the files). Files to select can be .ifo files / vob files or .MTS which are typical format for DVD quality or HD content.
By USB cable or firewire: Generally when your recorder requires the use of a cable to transfer the video files this means you will need to use additional software to capture/record the video as it is read by your camcorder.
-Detection- If your camcorder is not detected by your computer after hooking up the cable to your computer and after having turned on your camcorder selecting the setting Play, you may need to install the driver provided with your camcorder. If you lost the disk you will most likely be able to find the driver on the manufacturers website. If you have the choice between USB or Firewire cable, take Firewire connection as it doesn't require drivers.
-Software- If you do not have the software provided with your camcorder we suggest using Windows Movie Maker to import your file. It is a simple process. You chose to import the whole file or a portion, then select where on your hard drive you want your file to be imported. Once the file has been completely imported you can add it to ConvertXtoDVD as described above.